Strobist info: AlienBee B400 @ full power camera right, through a large soft box. LumoPro LP120 @ full power bare on the white construction paper background. Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8 Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Day 73 of my 365 project. Believe it or not, I was still able to pull the data off of this drive even though the disk itself was not being seen by the OS. I used a utility called SpinRite by GRC and recovered some very important work data. [I put the original size up […]
Day 72 of my 365 project. Strobist Info: AlienBee B400 @ full power camera right, through a large soft box. LumoPro LP120 @ full power bare on the white construction paper background. Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Day 71 of my 365 project. Strobist Info: AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a large softbox. Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8 Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Day 70 of my 365 project. Strobist Info: AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a large soft box. Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Day 68 of my 365 project. Strobist Info: AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a 46″ umbrella. LumoPro LP120 @ 1/32 power bare + blue gel camera left. Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8 Pocket Wizard Plus II’s Grey paper background.
Day 67 of my 365 project. Strobist Info: Lumopro 120 inside umbrella + Pocket Wizard Plus II AlienBee B400 Camera right bounced off ceiling. Nikon D 300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8 Botero Background
Day 61 of my 365 project. Strobist Info:AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power into a Photek SoftLighter camera left.LumoPro 120 @ 1/4 power behind subject pointing towards Botero background.Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8Pocket Wizard Plus II’s