Labelle Photo » Ottawa Professional Headshot and Portrait Photographer

Day 73 of my 365 project.

Believe it or not, I was still able to pull the data off of this drive even though the disk itself was not being seen by the OS. I used a utility called SpinRite by GRC and recovered some very important work data.
[I put the original size up so you can see the damage more closely here:]

Strobist info:
AlienBee B400 @ full power camera right, through a large soft box.
LumoPro LP120 @ full power bare on the white construction paper background.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s

I Need A Needle Like A Giraffe Needs A Sore Throat

Day 72 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ full power camera right, through a large soft box.
LumoPro LP120 @ full power bare on the white construction paper background.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s


Day 71 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a large softbox.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s

Another Rainy Day In Ottawa

Day 70 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a large soft box.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s


Day 69 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ full power in front and above in an AlienBee large softbox.
LumoPro LP120 @ 1/32 power bare + blue gel behind and right pointed towards subjects head.
Lastolight TriFlector in front of subject
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Grey paper background.

How To Shoot Nice Pictures

Day 68 of my 365 project.

Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power camera right, through a 46″ umbrella.
LumoPro LP120 @ 1/32 power bare + blue gel camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s
Grey paper background.

  • March 21, 2011 - 11:53 am

    Jason Ransom - BAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Dude, you just made my day! We HAVE to go for coffee…


City of God

Day 67 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
Lumopro 120 inside umbrella + Pocket Wizard Plus II
AlienBee B400 Camera right bounced off ceiling.
Nikon D 300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8
Botero Background

Thank You!

Thank you for your generous support to the Ottawa Senators 65 Roses Sports Club campaign and 65 Roses Gala. We are sincerely grateful to all our sponsors, partners, auction donors, volunteers, guests and special friends that made it all possible again this year! Together, we raised $185,000 in support of health research and care towards finding a cure or control for cystic fibrosis.

To view more photos taken the evening of the event, please click on the following links:

Thank you to our Emcee and Community Leader Extraordinaire Max Keeping, Celebrity Chair Nick Foligno and his fiancée Janelle, and past Celebrity Chair Shean Donovan and his wife Teresa. Thank you to our CF Child Ambassador Scott Hall, and our CF Adult Ambassador and inspirational speaker Robert Berthiaume and his wife Stacey. Robert profoundly moved so many with his life story.

Thank you to Senators’ Lyndon Slewidge for singing O’Canada, Cyril Leeder and Danielle Robinson, Jim Armstrong, Jason Spezza, Milan Michalek, Chris Campoli, Zack Smith, Jesse Winchester, Chris Neil, Ryan Shannon and Matt Carkner and their respective wives and girlfriends for their support and attendance at the Gala this year. Many thanks to the JW-Jones Blues Band for their electrifying and energetic performances throughout the evening and for sharing the stage with CF brothers Paul and Anthony Redman, making the event extra special.

Thanks to the support of donors like you, great progress is being made in the search for a cure, or an effective control for cystic fibrosis. Back in the 1960’s, most children with CF did not live long enough to attend kindergarten; today, half of all Canadians with cystic fibrosis now have hope to live into their 40’s and possibly beyond. We are proud of this progress, but there is still much work to be done.

Your help and generosity go a long way to support continued health research advancements, education and clinical care programs geared towards helping young Canadians living with this progressive life shortening genetic disease.

Thank you for helping us reach new heights!

We look forward to keeping you informed of next year’s program and special event.

We hope we can continue to count on your support. On behalf of all families affected by cystic fibrosis, we sincerely thank you for breathing life into the future.

With heartfelt thanks,

Robert & Nadine Redman

Chairs, Ottawa Senators 65 Roses Sports Club and 65 Roses Gala

Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting young Canadians.
It attacks the lungs and digestive system. There is still no cure or control.
But there is real hope…Please help us breathe life into the future.
Visit or for more information.

Nadine Imbleau-Redman | Regional Director, Eastern Ontario
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
36 Collingwood Cr. | Ottawa, Ontario K2K 2G7
Tel: 613-271-2744 | 1-800-378-2233 | Fax: 613-271-0591|

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