Labelle Photo » Ottawa Professional Headshot and Portrait Photographer

Marc DesRosiers

Day 94 of my 365 project
Fellow photographer Marc and I were commissioned to take portraits of Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest staff earlier this evening. I decided to uses a light test shot for my 365.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/8 power into a large Paul C. Buff Softbox camera left.
Nikon SB900 @ 1/16 power into a small Lastolite EzyBox Softbox camera right.
Lastolite HiLite Background lit from within with a Nikon SB900 @ 1/8 power.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Day 93 of my 365 project
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power into a large Paul C. Buff softbox camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s

Let It Be

Day 92 of my 365 project

Dedicated to a friend and co-worker Tony C.,  a HUGE Beatles fan, who feeling a little under the weather.
Srobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/2 power into a large Paul C. Buff softbox camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s

Day 91

Day 91 of my 365 project
Srobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power into a large Paul C. Buff softbox camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s


Day 90 of my 365 project
Srobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power into a large Paul C. Buff softbox camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s

Vintage Cameras

Day 88 of my 365 project
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/16 power into a large Paul C. Buff softbox camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8
Pocketwizard Plus II’s

Margaret Trudeau

Day 86 of my 365 project.
Margaret Trudeau was signing her book “Changing my Mind” at the Centrepointe Theatre today for the Bows for Butterflies fundraiser. The event was held to support youth mental health services in the Ottawa area.

  • March 28, 2011 - 7:39 pm

    DaniGirl - You really captured her warmth here. I’ve always wanted to meet her!

First Strawberry of The Year

Day 85 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 into a large Paul C. Buff soft Box @1/4 power, camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
Pocket Wizard Pluss II’s.

T w i t t e r
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