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Royal Galipeau Wins In Ottawa-Orleans

Galipeau took the stage with his wife and daughter at the Orléans branch of the Royal Canadian Legion at about 11 p.m., his lead up to 1,800 votes, and thanked his joyous supporters for pulling off a “hat-trick.”
It was the first time in 136 years that a Conservative was re-elected in the riding. As for three times — “it’s never happened, he said. “I don’t take it for granted.”

Day 122 of my 365 project

One could not have asked for better weather for the 11th annual “Cuts For Cancer” fundraising event.  Diann Lalande who along with her daughter, Sylvie Simard, organized the first ever “Cuts for Cancer” in 2000. Since then the mother-daughter team have raised over $43,000 for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

Under a tent on the front lawn of their Trim Road business, Diann and Sylvie of Diann’s Beauty Salon and various family members were kept busy as a stream of steady “customers” dropped in to say hello, have their locks trimmed and donate money to this very worthy cause. Royal Galipeau and Stephen Blais were among the dignitaries to stop in and offer their support.

Diann Lalande-Sylvie Simard

Sylvie and Diann

Laetitia Clark (below) had not cut her hair for 10 years and today she told her parents that she wanted to donate her long ponytail to the Angel Hair For Kids foundation which makes wigs for children who have lost their own hair during cancer treatment.

Laetitia ClarkLaetitia Clark and her ponytail

Eve-ReaganEve and Reagan helping out by selling lemonade and cookies

DiannDiann’s Beauty Salon, 2170 Trim Road. For more information, call the salon at 613-833-2345

  • April 19, 2013 - 5:33 pm

    Jasmine Clark - That is my sister Laetitia and the truth is that,she deserved that hair cut cause girl, your hair was way 2 long! And that’s the real deal!
    I’m only 9 yrs old, and trust me… I’ve seen longer but It’s better 2 have hair like my 3 yrs older sis!
    xoxo Jasmine


Day 118 of my 365 project


Jazmine was kind enough to spend a couple of hours with Team LSD at the TotalPhoto Studios earlier this week.
Strobist Info:AlienBee B400 into a Paul C. Buff large softbox camera right.AlienBee B400 into a silver umbrella camera leftLumoPro 120 into a Lastolite small softbox overhead.Lastolite TriFlector in front of model and low (silver side used)Nikon D300 + Nkkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8Botero #023 Background

Vote For Keon

Day 117 of my 365 project
I was coming back from a clients home earlier this evening in Barrhaven and saw this sign on the corner Jockvale and Cambrian in Nepean.
Either someone does not like Mr. Keon or maybe the Liberal Party in general.

Stuntman Stu and his Lovely Wife Consuelo

Day 116 of my 365 project
Stuntman Stu of Ottawa radio station Majic 100 and his wife Consuelo attend the Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest Gala this evening in the brand new Ottawa Convention Centre
The lineup for this years Bluesfest is incredible, including my one wish, Cheap Trick!

Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 into a Lastolite HiLite background used as a giant softbox camera right.
Alien Bee B400 into a 40″ silver umbrella as fill camera left.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 24mm-70mm f/2.8

Martha, Are You In Here?

Day 114 of my 365 project.
Strobist Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 1/4 power into a Paul C. Buff large softbox camera right.
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f/2.8.
Pocket Wizard Plus II’s.

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