Labelle Photo » Ottawa Professional Headshot and Portrait Photographer


Day 141 of my 365 project

Ariens Sno-Thro

Got the snow thrower all cleaned up and ready for next year. Day 139 of my 365 project.


Day 138 of my 365 project


Day 136 of my 365 project
Strobisst Info:
AlienBee B400 @ 3/4 power into a large softbox camera right.
White paper background
Nikon D300 + Nikkor 105mm f2.8


When one of these stops working, it can get cold very quickly.

Day 135 of my 365 project

William Shatner and his wife Elizabeth Martin walking the red carpet at the NAC

The Governor General’s Performing Arts Awards

A Gala was held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa to honour Yvon Deschamps, Margie Gillis, William Shatner, Howard Shore, Leslee Silverman, and Paul Thompson. These individuals are being recognized for their outstanding body of work and enduring contribution to the performing arts in Canada

More images here:

A series of short films were created by the National Film Board for the laureates, which can be seen here:
Day 134 of my 365 project

T w i t t e r
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